Dear Glencairn Families:

We are very excited to be returning to school on Monday, February 8.

Please note: This newsletter is for parents and students who are returning to  in-person only.  With the  re-opening of school, there are some very important reminders for all families in regards to Covid-19 procedures. The following message includes updated information and new safety procedures.

COVID 19 School Screening

Each morning before your child comes to school, please complete the Ontario School Screening. It is accessed at It is an important step to add to your morning routine to keep our students and staff safe. 

Arrival and Dismissal

Please arrive promptly at our bell time of 8:55 AM. Please do not come early to ensure physical distancing is maintained outside. If you arrive late, please come to the main school doors at the front of the school to gain entry.

We request that families leave the school grounds immediately after meeting their children at the end of the school day.  We ask that you do not socialize on the school grounds.  The Playground equipment is closed before and after school due to touchpoints and sanitation.  Our Extended Day and YDP programs use the school yard for outdoor play after school so snow hills etc. are not available.

Entry/Exit Doors

All classes are required to meet and line up in their designated areas outside. Class meeting spots remain the same as the fall. Students and parents are to practice physical distancing. At the beginning of the day, all teachers will bring their class into the school in a single file line, as well as each time they go outside/inside and at the end of the day for dismissal.

Parents of a Primary or Kindergarten student will meet their child behind the school (Kindergarten) or at the Primary Doors. We must ask you to mask and be physically distanced from each other to drop off and  collect your young children at the end of the day.

Parents of Junior students are asked to drop off and  meet their child in front of the school or on the public path at the back of the school. Junior students will walk over from and to  their parents in the more distanced areas. We can allow for more physical distancing with this measure.

Masks are required to be worn by everyone coming onto WRDSB property.

Parent Entry

Parent Entry to the school is restricted (no access to the building). As a result of this restricted access, please ensure that lunches and water bottles are sent with students first thing.

Sign in for lates and appointments will all be handled by our secretarial staff in a touchless, electronic  manner. As always, buzzing at the door and chatting with our office staff will be helpful. There are physical distance markings on the sidewalks, if there is a line.

Hand Sanitizer

We will be dispensing sanitizer to students as they enter the building. We would like students to keep mittens on as long as possible in the cold weather, so the sanitizing will happen in the doorway.  

Students may bring  scent free sanitizer. There may be absolutely no scent as we have students and staff with sensitivities.  The sanitizer must contain at least 65% alcohol. 

Mask Use

Mask use is required at all times for all individuals on WRDSB school property. While students are outside, mask use is required at all times.  Please send in a couple of extra masks in a labelled ziploc bag, as masks become moist more quickly in the cold weather. Names on the masks would be useful. 

Personal Items

Please greatly limit what is brought from home and stick with only essentials for a classroom and lunches. No toys or trinkets should be brought to school. An extra pair of shoes may be brought (some pairs were left here in December) for the colder months. They are stored in a personal bin for each student. 

Nutrition Breaks

Students must stay with their cohort (class) for both nutrition breaks. We will continue to use the zones we used in the fall.  Educators will lead students outside to the correct zone. Primary students will eat for the first half of break and Junior students will go outside. Junior students will eat for the second half of break and Primary students will go outside.

Outside  Learning Time

All students will have the opportunity to go outside daily. They will stay with their class in an assigned area. Some of the time may be focused learning time and some of the time will be for a body break! 

Water Bottles

Water fountains are not to be used and have been covered. We have a  water bottle filling station, so please send a labelled, reusable water bottle daily.

Hand Washing Stations

Each class has been assigned a hand washing station and will be required to wash upon entry in the morning, before eating at both breaks, transitioning from outdoor to indoor and at the end of the day before dismissal.

Each class also will have hand sanitizer upon entry and if needed throughout the day. Hand cleaning  will continue to be a regular activity throughout the school day.

Library Books

Some families may have library books to return. You can send them with your child as well as the electronic devices you may have borrowed. (See Device Collection email)

Communication with teachers

Please refrain from talking for more than a greeting to teachers outside or at the door. We need to make sure we are keeping contact time to a minimum. Teachers will regularly check email and voicemails to communicate with you. Just reach out to them.

Valentine’s Day

  • Please remember that no outside items should be brought into the school that are not essential learning materials. This would include Valentine’s Day cards, treats or other gifts.

Please remind your children that we can’t wait to have them back in person at Glencairn!!  

M.S. Meredith
